By Melanie Korn
Category: Articles
Our world is continually changing, for example- Miley Cirus is no longer the innocent Hannah Montana, ios updated on everyone’s iPhones, again, and at times our government is shut down… CHA-CHA-CHANGES! Like the rest of the world, recruiting is changing on a daily basis too.
We’ve posted on how the social media account content of candidates can cause you missing out on a great job, but that doesn’t mean all tweets should stay private! On a professional level, companies and recruiters have turned to using their personal social media accounts for recruiting clients and candidates alike. This “big bad cyber world” might not be so bad after all if it leads you to further recruitment opportunities and better job offers.
Here’s a question for all the recruiters… Do you have a twitter handle you use for recruiting? Some of your greatest clients and candidates might come from crossing paths via Twitter. Register for a free account and familiarize yourself with by posting a few tweets, etc.
Over time, just tweeting or posting job openings is not going to create a following or engage users- so how does it happen? By creating interesting content- topics candidates who are looking for a position might be interested in. And beyond candidates, companies looking to hire would find valuable when scrolling their feed. What info do THEY need to know? Share tips, events, articles related to industries you work in.
So you’ve got Twitter under control…… start cross-referencing. Now is the time to start using additional social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, google+, etc to see candidates from another viewpoint and connect with companies too. Continue to get yourself and company in front of as many people as possible. Build a following and awareness as a professional and trusted voice in your industry of recruitment.
Develop a hashtag strategy for your tweets and ensure you have continual content that is fresh and relevant being posted on all social media outlets daily.
The rise of social recruiting is only going to continue, so if you can’t beat the change, you might as well join it and get to tweeting, posting and sharing!
What do you have to lose? Top talent is just a click away.
What do you have to lose?
Top talent is just a click away.